Train body and mind

To ensure an enjoyable and fulfilling experience, training your body and mind is essential. As you begin your walking journey to prepare for the Camino, consider various aspects such as gear, blisters, distance training, and the unique challenges that the Camino presents. Embrace each step of your training, and you'll be well-prepared for the incredible adventure that lies ahead.


Have no fear, you will find your way. It is in your bones. It is in your soul.


Gear: your trusty companions 

Before you hit the trail, invest in high-quality gear that will support you throughout your training and the Camino itself. Start with a comfortable, well-fitted backpack that distributes the weight evenly. Sturdy and properly broken-in hiking boots are a must to prevent blisters and ensure optimal support for your feet. Don't forget moisture-wicking clothing to stay dry and comfortable, and a lightweight, breathable rain jacket to shield you from unpredictable weather.



Pack less, experience more—every item in your Camino pack should earn its place on your journey.


Befriend blisters

Blisters are common companions on long walks, but with proper preparation and care, you can minimize their impact. Break in your hiking boots gradually before your training starts, allowing your feet to adapt to them. Invest in high-quality, moisture-wicking socks that reduce friction and minimize the risk of blisters. Carry blister treatment and foot care supplies in your backpack to address any discomfort promptly. Learning to care for your feet is vital, as they'll carry you through the entire Camino journey.

Start slow, build steady

As you begin your walking training, start with shorter distances and gradually increase the length of your walks. Focus on building both your stamina and endurance. Consider varying terrains, including flat paths, hills, and uneven surfaces, to prepare for the diverse landscapes of the Camino. As your training progresses, you'll find your body adapting and becoming more accustomed to the demands of long-distance walking.


It's not a race 

Throughout your training and the Camino, remember that it's not a race to the finish line. Embrace a mindful and sustainable pace that suits your body's needs. Take breaks when necessary, listen to your body, and allow yourself time to rest and recover. This approach not only prevents exhaustion but also allows you to savor the beauty of the landscapes and connect with fellow pilgrims along the way.



“Walking is man’s best medicine.” – Hippocrates


Mental Preparation

Walking the Camino is as much a mental journey as it is a physical one. Cultivate resilience and a positive mindset during your training. Embrace the challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Your mental preparedness will be your greatest ally when facing the various ups and downs of the Camino.


Hydration and Nutrition

Stay hydrated during your training walks and the Camino itself. Carry a refillable water bottle and drink regularly, especially in warm weather. Pack nutritious snacks and meals that provide sustained energy for long walks. Consider the types of food available along the Camino, and ensure that your body is accustomed to the foods you plan to eat during the pilgrimage.


As you lace up your hiking boots and start walking to train for the Camino, remember that this journey is not just about reaching a destination—it's about the profound transformation that unfolds with each step. Embrace the insights and challenges of your training, and allow yourself the time to fully prepare for this life-changing pilgrimage. Your dedication, preparation, and mindful approach will pave the way for an unforgettable Camino experience—one that will leave an indelible mark on your heart and soul. So, take each step with purpose, walk with determination, and let the Camino spirit guide you forward. Buen Camino!

Get ready and visit our shop

As you prepare for your transformative pilgrimage to Santiago, La Compostela's Pilgrim Shop is your one-stop destination for all your Camino needs. Whether you're a seasoned pilgrim or about to embark on your first journey, our shop is tailored to equip you for every step of the way.


In our shop, you'll find an extensive range of carefully selected items, each chosen to enhance your Camino experience. From lightweight, durable backpacks ideal for those long stretches of walking, to comfortable, moisture-wicking clothing designed to keep you cool and dry, we have everything you need to travel with ease and comfort.


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